Summary: Space Shooter – Galaxy Attack Space Shooter – Galaxy Attack invites players into an action-packed universe where they assume...
On December 25, 2024, President-elect Donald Trump made provocative social media posts regarding Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal, suggesting U.S. control over them. He wished...
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) maintained its benchmark lending rates, holding the one-year loan prime rate at 3.1% and the five-year rate at 3.6% amid...
The New York Stock Exchange will close on January 9 in observance of a national day of mourning for former President Jimmy Carter, who passed away...
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have been appointed by Trump to lead the newly established Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), aiming to implement reforms in regulatory...
Luxury safaris are evolving beyond traditional “Big Five” wildlife spotting. Travelers now seek transformative, personalized experiences over merely luxurious accommodations. Writers like Lori Cohen note a...
The House Ethics Committee found “substantial evidence” that former Rep. Matt Gaetz engaged in sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl in 2017 and regularly paid women...
Bitcoin fluctuated around $97,000 on Friday after dipping below $93,000 earlier, now trading at $96,597.36. Despite reaching an all-time high above $108,000 earlier this week, it...
Eli Lilly’s Zepbound injection pen has been approved by the FDA as the first drug treatment for patients with obesity and moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)....
GameStop’s shares surged over 4%, continuing a four-day rally and rising more than 77% in 2024. In contrast, crypto-related stocks declined as Bitcoin prices fell, with...
Cocoa prices have surged in 2024, reaching a record $11,938 per metric ton, primarily due to supply tightness and adverse weather in West Africa, which produces...