“Last Pirate: Survival Island” is an immersive survival adventure game where players navigate a deserted island filled with dangers like...
The Symbiant is a visual novel developed and published by HeartCore Dev, released on February 2, 2023. Set in the year 5066, it follows the story...
“Classic Sudoku,” presented by the popular YouTube channel Cracking The Cryptic, fulfills viewer requests by offering an exceptional collection of sudoku puzzles. Hosted by Simon Anthony...
The Söderfjärden crater in Finland is an intriguing geological formation that has evolved dramatically over time. Originating from a meteorite impact over 500 million years ago,...
A-Train: All Aboard! Tourism is a business simulation game developed by ARTDINK and published by Komodo, released on December 8, 2021. It is designed for players...
Yalla Ludo – Ludo & Domino is an engaging mobile app where users can play classic board games with friends online, featuring real-time voice chat to...
Researchers at DGIST have developed an advanced lithium metal battery featuring a triple-layer solid polymer electrolyte, enhancing safety, efficiency, and durability for applications in electric vehicles...
Horizon Zero Dawn is a role-playing action game developed by Guerrilla and published by PlayStation Mobile, Inc. Released on August 7, 2020, the game falls within...
Real Driving Simulator offers an immersive driving experience for car enthusiasts, featuring realistic physics and a broad selection of over 100 vehicles, including sedans, supercars, and...
Researchers at UC San Diego have revealed notable differences in the PD-1 protein between rodents and humans, potentially challenging the reliability of rodent models used in...
Nuclear War Simulator is a comprehensive simulation game developed by Bit Mirror and published by Slitherine Ltd., released on February 2, 2023. With a file size...