Labyrinth of Zangetsu is an adventure RPG developed and published by PQube, released on April 20, 2023. Set in the...
Kiss of War is an engaging war strategy game set in a late modern period, where players take on the role of a Commander, leading a...
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior have uncovered new insights into the migratory behavior of common noctule bats, revealing that they navigate long...
Trek to Yomi is an action-adventure game developed by Leonard Menchiari and Flying Wild Hog, and published by Devolver Digital, released on May 5, 2022. The...
Fun Run 3 is an exciting online multiplayer racing game that brings together a community of 130 million players globally. This installment in the Fun Run...
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have developed a novel nasal swab test aimed at identifying specific asthma endotypes in children, particularly addressing the disproportionately high...
Hot Wheels Unleashed™ is a racing game developed and published by Milestone S.r.l., released on September 30, 2021. The game boasts a file size of approximately...
Extreme Car Driving Simulator, an open-world car simulator launched in 2014, offers players the thrill of driving without the constraints of traffic or rivals. With an...
A recent study from UC San Diego has identified the enzyme MICAL2 as a significant player in pancreatic cancer progression, particularly in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC)....
Power Chord is an indie strategy game developed and published by Big Blue Bubble, released on January 26, 2023. This 1.2 GB roguelite features a unique...
Bricks Breaker Quest is an engaging mobile game that combines strategic gameplay with simple mechanics. Players control the trajectory of a ball by tapping on the...