Scarlet Hollow is an immersive horror-mystery game developed and published by Black Tabby Games, released on June 12, 2021. Set in a rural North Carolina town, players arrive during a troubling time marked by a coal mine collapse, mysterious creatures threatening livestock, and haunted homes. The protagonist visits to meet a long-lost cousin while dealing with the aftermath of her mother’s funeral but quickly finds that the tranquil escape has turned into a nightmare-filled week.
The game features sharp writing and impactful choices, enhanced by hand-drawn art from award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard. Scarlet Hollow is released in episodes, with three episodes currently available, while future episodes will be delivered as free updates. The game is categorized as an adventure, casual, indie, RPG, and strategy experience, available in Early Access for players eager to engage with its developing features.
To install, players must download, extract, and run the setup executable, noting recommendations to disable antivirus software during installation. Minimum system requirements include Windows 7, 2 GB RAM, and integrated graphics. The developers encourage players to support them by purchasing the game.