SEASON: A Letter to the Future is an adventure and indie game developed and published by Scavengers Studio, released on January 31, 2023, with a file size of 6.8 GB. The game features a young woman from a remote village who embarks on her first bike journey to explore the world and collect memories before a cataclysm occurs. Players engage in documenting and photographing the environment, meeting diverse characters, and unraveling the mystery of the world around them. Utilizing various recording tools, players capture different aspects of the culture, history, and ecology, leading to profound questions about the nature of the current season and its impending end.
The game requires a 64-bit OS with a minimum of an Intel Core i3 or Ryzen 3 processor, 8 GB RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 graphics, while the recommended specs call for an Intel Core i5 or Ryzen 5, 16 GB RAM, and GTX 1660. Players are encouraged to support developers by purchasing the game. Download links for updates, as well as installation instructions, are provided, but users are advised to disable antivirus software during installation.