“Summer with Mia Season 1,” developed and published by Inceton Games, is an adventure and casual visual novel released on March 25, 2021. The game, featuring mature themes and nudity, places players in the shoes of a 20-year-old college student whose night of studying is disrupted by a drunken roommate. This leads to a narrative filled with risqué encounters and comedic situations as players navigate the protagonist’s quest for romantic connections.
The game boasts over 7,500 images and more than 130 animations, offering a rich visual experience alongside interactive gameplay mechanics such as dialogue choices, branching storylines, and scene navigation. “Summer with Mia” also includes a gallery room and bonus scenes, significantly enhancing replayability.
The game size is 3.4 GB (compressed), and it is recommended to purchase it to support the developers. Installation requires following specific instructions to avoid errors, such as disabling antivirus during installation and ensuring ample storage space. A 64-bit operating system is necessary, with minimum specs including a 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB RAM. Players can download the game through various links provided.