“Syberia: The World Before,” developed by Microids Studio Paris and released on March 19, 2022, is a captivating adventure puzzle game set in two different time periods. The narrative unfolds in Vaghen during 1937, where 17-year-old Dana Roze, an aspiring pianist, faces the looming threat of fascism as World War II approaches. The story also follows Kate Walker in 2004, who, while imprisoned in a salt mine, embarks on a journey to uncover her identity following a tragic incident.
Players assume the roles of both characters, exploring a beautifully crafted world inspired by Benoît Sokal. The game boasts intricate puzzles and riddles in tune with the series’ legacy, alongside a rich and engaging storyline filled with impactful dialogue. Complemented by a symphonic soundtrack composed by Inon Zur, the game promises an immersive experience.
With a file size of 14.7 GB, the game requires a 64-bit processor and at least 8 GB of RAM, with recommended specifications including an SSD and a minimum of 16 GB RAM. Players are encouraged to support the developers by purchasing the game from authorized platforms.