Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is a 2D turn-based strategy RPG developed by Dancing Dragon Games and published by Freedom Games, released on June 11, 2022. Set in the war-torn world of Tahnra, players take on the role of a young academy graduate tasked with leading an expedition to rescue Empress Florina from a rogue General who has seized power. The game features a rich narrative that spans a 30-40 hour campaign, offering significant replayability due to its engaging storyline and over 50 character classes for players to explore.
With a focus on tactical depth, players can experiment with limitless character and squad builds, allowing for customized strategies during battles. The game encourages players to learn tactics naturally through gameplay. It is recommended to support developers by purchasing the game through platforms like GOG.
The game has a file size of 1.5 GB and requires Windows OS, with a minimum of 256 MB RAM and 1 GB of available storage space. The content includes several download links and installation instructions, along with tips for avoiding common issues while running the game.