The Arcana: A Mystic Romance is an immersive visual novel set in the enchanting world of Vesuvia, where players engage in a captivating love story filled with mystery and romance. As the protagonist, you are a young tarot card reader who awakens in a magical shop with no memories. You offer a tarot reading to a mysterious figure seeking your mentor, leading to an invitation to the Palace on the condition that you investigate the murder of their partner.
The game features diverse, sultry characters, each with intriguing secrets, including Julian, a dangerous doctor; Asra, your mystical mentor; Muriel, an outsider; Nadia, a powerful countess; and her deceased husband, Lucio. Your choices greatly affect your relationships and the unfolding narrative, allowing for multiple romantic paths that cater to various preferences, enhancing the gameplay experience.
The Arcana is designed to be inclusive, welcoming players of all sexual orientations and genders, with a focus on LGBTQ+ representation. Featuring 21 unique, otome-inspired stories aligned with the Major Arcana tarot cards, players can customize their experience by selecting pronouns and making quick decisions that impact the story’s outcome. Designed for fans of romance, anime, and dating sims, The Arcana invites players into a vibrant community. Note that the game is currently available only in English and requires an online connection to play.