“The Dragoness: Command of the Flame,” developed by Crazy Goat Games and published by PQube, is an RPG and strategy game released on September 1, 2022. Set on the Drairthir Peninsula, a land scarred by dragon-inflicted wars, players assume the role of a Commander, tasked by The Dragoness to restore peace. The game features a rich, traditional combat system inspired by the Heroes of Might and Magic (HOMM) series, where strategic and tactical acumen is vital for victory in turn-based battles. Players must rebuild the fallen city of Níwenborh by managing resources, recruiting a powerful army of beasts, and exploring in roguelite adventures that uncover new creatures, artifacts, and upgrades after each defeat.
Players can experiment with various unit types and skill synergies, shaping their playstyle to optimize army effectiveness. The game emphasizes choice, allowing players to determine the paths they explore and the strategies they deploy in combat. With a minimum requirement of Windows 7 SP1 64-bit and an Intel i3 processor, this immersive experience encourages strategic thinking, resource management, and the reinforcement of your capital city while battling dark forces.