The Witch of Fern Island is an upcoming adventure RPG developed by Enjoy Studio S.A. and published by Awaken Realms, scheduled for release on February 28, 2024. The game immerses players in the enchanting Fern Island, a lush, temperate isle inhabited by three magical cultures: Boran, Apatut, and Kuqkwa. Players control Abrill, a young witch who crash-lands on the island while en route to a magical academy. Instead of waiting, Abrill is encouraged to showcase her magical skills, engaging in tasks such as growing herbs, raising unusual animals, brewing potions, and crafting amulets.
As players navigate the community and culture, they will participate in festivals, make friends, and assist locals with their problems, ultimately earning the title of "The Witch of Fern Island." Exploration is key, allowing players to traverse the island on foot, a mystical ride, or a flying broom once they prove their abilities. The game also emphasizes personal growth and the joy of everyday moments, merging enchantment with community-building experiences. The game requires a minimum of 12 GB RAM and at least a GTX 1060 for optimal performance. Players are encouraged to support the developers by purchasing the game upon release.