The Planet Crafter is an upcoming adventure, building, and crafting game developed and published by Miju Games, set to release on April 10, 2024. Players take on the role of an astronaut tasked with terraforming a hostile planet into a habitable environment for humans. The gameplay allows for solo or online co-op experiences with up to 10 players.
Players must gather resources, build bases, and construct machines to increase the planet’s heat, oxygen, and pressure, gradually transforming it from barren land to a thriving ecosystem with various life forms. The game features a range of environments to explore, including old shipwrecks and ruins, providing players with numerous mysteries to uncover.
With adjustable difficulty levels, players can tailor their experience, whether they prefer a relaxed gameplay style or a more challenging encounter. The game’s file size is approximately 4.8 GB, and potential players are encouraged to purchase it to support the development team. Additionally, installation notes are provided to help users avoid common installation issues, along with minimum and recommended system requirements for optimal gameplay. Further details, including download links and instructions, are available in the game’s documentation.