“The Serpent Rogue,” developed by Sengi Games and published by Team17, is an action-adventure indie RPG released on April 26, 2022. The game centers around exploring a medieval fantasy world, where players assume the role of The Warden, a mysterious alchemist tasked with combating the spreading evil of the Serpent Rogue that threatens Mount Morbus and the surrounding realm.
Players engage in the art of alchemy, crafting and experimenting with various ingredients to create potent potions that yield unique effects. The gameplay emphasizes exploration, where uncovering hidden passages and completing quests for the local inhabitants is crucial for gathering resources necessary for survival. The choices players make lead to dynamic cause-and-effect scenarios, affecting the world around them, such as attracting dangerous creatures or pestilence by hoarding items.
Additionally, players can shapeshift into different creatures or brew transformative potions, blending human traits with those of animals for strategic advantages. With a file size of 741 MB, the game runs on Windows 10 and requires specific system requirements, including a compatible processor and graphics card. For those interested, purchasing the game supports the developers.