Three Kingdom: The Journey is an adventure strategy RPG developed and published by Senmu Studio, released on April 18, 2023. Set during the turbulent times of the Han Dynasty in China, players must lead an army against the Yellow Turbans’ uprising. This strategy card battler combines deck-building and path-building roguelike elements, allowing players to collect cards, customize their armies, conquer territories, and defend their positions.
As you progress, you’ll adapt your strategies against various enemies and liberate cities, all while navigating the potential betrayals and loyalties of those around you. Key features include selecting factions, commanding generals, and equipping your units for battle.
The game is available for download via multiple links, but players are encouraged to buy the game to support the developers. Installation requires extracting files, mounting an ISO, running the setup, and applying a crack to play. The minimum system requirements include Windows 7 or 10, a 2.0 GHz processor, and 2 GB of storage space. Players should also consider disabling antivirus software and setting up firewall rules to prevent the game from going online.