Toy Story Drop! is a mobile game that immerses players in the beloved Disney and Pixar Toy Story universe, including scenes from the upcoming Toy Story 4. Players join characters like Woody, Buzz, and Jessie to unlock stories by navigating through iconic locations such as Andy’s Room and Pizza Planet. The gameplay revolves around solving match-3 puzzles, where players must overcome obstacles to collect and assemble character-themed Playsets, leading to new Bonus Scene adventures. Features of the game include the ability to summon toys using themed boosts, discover Easter eggs on an interactive progression map, and witness the narrative unfold as players advance through levels. The game presents various challenges, such as preparing for Andy’s return from Cowboy Camp and ensuring Hamm doesn’t get left behind at Pizza Planet. Additionally, a support link is provided for players who need assistance, as well as social media links for engaging with the Toy Story Drop! community on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. With its charming graphics and iconic characters, Toy Story Drop! offers fans a chance to experience the magic of Toy Story through strategic gameplay and nostalgic storylines. For more information, users can also visit the Big Fish Terms of Use.