Witch Weapon: A Super-Fantasy RPG Overview
In 2037, the world faces destruction due to the activation of a mysterious substance known as Substance H. Ren, the last surviving boy, wishes for this calamity to be a dream, only to awaken transformed into a girl. With the disappearance of the Ross Goblet, which held ancient powers, Ren embarks on a fantastical journey. As she navigates her new reality, she gains magical abilities and becomes embroiled in the conspiracies surrounding Substance H.
The game features over 300,000 words of rich fantasy storytelling, focusing on themes of love and camaraderie among different witches. Players can assemble powerful teams to strategize against enemies while experiencing captivating voice acting from a talented cast including Rie Kugimiya and Aya Hirano.
Substance H, also known as the Divine Touch, triggers supernatural phenomena and plays a pivotal role in the global conflict known as the Seven Years War, which stemmed from the discovery and misuse of these potent artifacts. The war decimated global populations and led to a fragile peace due to the strategic significance of Substance H, resulting in a standoff among six major factions.
The 2037 incident involving the Ross Goblet unleashes catastrophic events that alter the world’s fate, ultimately leading to Ren’s transformation and setting the stage for a quest to restore balance. For further engagement, players are encouraged to join the community on Facebook and Discord for updates and discussions.