“Autobahn Police Simulator 3” is an action and simulation game developed by Z-Software and published by Aerosoft GmbH, released on June 23, 2022. Players step into the shoes of a rookie police officer returning to duty after a debilitating car accident. Upon rejoining the squad, players dive straight into action, eager to prove their capabilities and progress through increasingly challenging missions that unlock new skills, equipment, and vehicles, including undercover cars.
The game features a wide array of police vehicles and diverse mission types, enhancing gameplay experiences. Players can explore a detailed open world that includes highways, cityscapes, industrial sites, and scenic roads. Key game features include a dynamic traffic system, an improved progression scheme, and a variety of operations, such as accident responses, traffic checks, car chases, and maintaining public order.
To ensure a smooth installation, users are advised to disable antivirus software and follow specific setup instructions, such as blocking the game in a firewall. The game requires a 64-bit operating system, with a minimum system configuration including an Intel Core i3 or AMD FX processor and 8 GB of RAM. For optimal gameplay, an SSD and a more powerful graphics card are recommended.