
Bird Feeding Enhances Winter Survival of Small Birds by Aiding in Infection Resistance



A recent Swedish study from Lund University highlights the significant health benefits of winter feeding for small birds. As they face new pathogens caused by climate change and human activities, ensuring they have access to food becomes crucial for their survival. The research indicates that winter feeding not only provides energy but also enables birds to maintain a higher body temperature at night, which aids in their immune response. While birds typically lower their body temperature to conserve energy during cold nights, those with access to feeders could afford to maintain a higher temperature without depleting their energy reserves excessively.

Interestingly, the findings revealed that birds without access to feeders exhibited a stronger immune response during infection simulations, achieving similar fever temperatures to well-fed birds. This suggests a complex interaction between food availability and immune function. Although feeding birds may expose them to new infections, it might also enhance their immune tolerance. The study underlines the importance of understanding factors that influence wildlife health and immune responses, emphasizing the potential positive impact of winter feeding on small bird populations.

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