“Magical Girl Celesphonia” is an adventure RPG developed by Shimobashira Workshop and published by Kagura Games, released on May 7, 2022. The game follows Amane, an ordinary woman in Japan facing a crisis as dangerous creatures called monstrums begin kidnapping young women in the city. When attacked, Amane’s book grants her the ability to become a magical warrior, empowering her to investigate and combat these threats. Players can balance Amane’s time between training, completing quests, and enhancing her skills while fending off the increasing dominance of the monstrums. The gameplay features a dynamic story where failing to stop the enemies unlocks alternative endings. A New Game+ mode allows players to restart while retaining their character’s levels and knowledge, adding replayability.
The game requires a minimum of 4 GB RAM and is playable on Windows operating systems starting from 7 to 10. Several download links are provided for players to acquire the game, along with installation notes and system requirements. Players are encouraged to support developers by purchasing the game to ensure continued development and updates.