Mail Time is a relaxing, cottagecore adventure game developed by Kela van der Deijl and published by Freedom Games, released on April 27, 2023. Set in the tranquil Grumblewood Grove, players assume the role of a Mail Scout on their first day, donned with a mushroom hat and a backpack full of letters. The objective is to deliver mail to the charming critters residing in the forest, requiring players to run, jump, and glide through the lush landscape.
The game is designed for those who appreciate exploration and connection with nature, creating a joyful atmosphere as players complete their delivery tasks. Mail Time is available for purchase on platforms like GOG, encouraging players to support its developers.
The file size is 707 MB and has been released in version 1.00.09. To install, players should follow the provided installation instructions, which include disabling antivirus software and possibly adjusting firewall settings. The minimum system requirements include Windows 7 or later, Intel i5-10400 processor, 8 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1080 graphics, and 2 GB of storage space. For those who enjoy indie adventure games, Mail Time promises a delightful experience amidst nature.