“Moe! Ninja Girls/Sexy School” is a captivating visual novel game for men, created by the makers of the popular “Shall we date?” series, which boasts 32 million downloads. Set in Mizaki School, the player assumes the role of a genius ninja who disguises his identity to enjoy a serene school life amidst charming classmates. Players’ choices influence the storyline and the game’s multiple endings, offering a personalized experience.
The game centers around the “Ninja Seeking Club,” where you interact with several intriguing female characters. Among them is Akari Hanao, an optimistic and athletic classmate who loves ninjas and initiates the club. Enju Saion-ji, another classmate, is intelligent and a student council member, often caring for Akari despite her strict demeanor. Ricka Machiyuki, the enigmatic transfer student, adds mystery and tension to the narrative with her quiet and unsettling remarks.
With visually appealing artwork, enchanting soundtracks, and engaging motion effects, the game is free to play and offers frequent updates and events. It’s designed for those who enjoy romance, visual novels, and dating sims, particularly fans of Japanese culture. “Moe! Ninja Girls” promises an immersive experience for players seeking romance and adventure in a unique school setting while keeping its ninja theme at the forefront. Internet access is required to play.