Peppa Pig: World Adventures is an action-adventure game developed by Petoons Studio and published by Outright Games Ltd, released on March 17, 2023. With a file size of 1.8 GB (compressed), the game invites players to explore a vast world inspired by the beloved children’s show. Players can accompany Peppa Pig on a global tour, visiting iconic locations such as New York City, Paris, and Australia, while engaging in fun activities like making pizza in Italy and sailing on a cruise ship.
Gamers can customize their experience by dressing up as various animals and even turning family members into Peppa Pig characters. Players can build and decorate their own homes in Peppa’s neighborhood, showcasing souvenirs collected during their adventures.
To install, players must download and extract the files, mount the .iso, run the setup, and apply a crack to start the game. Minimum system requirements include a Windows 7/8/10 operating system, Intel Core 2 Quad processor, and 4 GB RAM. For those interested, there are multiple download links available, but it is recommended to purchase the game to support the developers.