“Phantom Brigade,” developed and published by Brace Yourself Games, is a tactical RPG that combines real-time and turn-based gameplay, released on March 1, 2023. Set in a war-torn environment, you lead the last squad of mech pilots, tasked with capturing enemy assets to regain control of your homeland. The game features a unique cinematic approach where players predict enemy movements and execute countermeasures, while witnessing dynamic, physics-based action.
Key highlights include an extensive arsenal of weapons like railguns and energy swords, and a rich customization system allowing players to enhance mech performance and aesthetics. The game allows strategic decision-making on a world map, managing resources, and undertaking varied missions such as sabotage and ambushes.
“Phantom Brigade” also boasts destructible environments, enabling players to demolish structures during combat. Designed for high moddability, players can modify the game or create custom content. Minimum system requirements include Windows 10, a 64-bit processor, and a recommended setup for an enhanced experience.
Support the developers by purchasing “Phantom Brigade” on Steam.