Rough Justice: ’84 is a strategic single-player board game developed by Gamma Minus UG and published by Daedalic Entertainment, released on March 13, 2023. Set in Seneca City, players control a private security agency tasked with solving puzzles and managing cases involving security, fugitive recovery, and repossession using dice and cards. The game challenges players to utilize their agents, era-appropriate surveillance technology, and connections to combat a larger conspiracy orchestrated by a secret organization with ambitions targeting the city.
The game’s file size is 7.5 GB (compressed), and it is available through various download links. Players are encouraged to purchase the game to support the developers. To install the game, users must follow several steps, including downloading, extracting the files, mounting the ISO, and copying necessary crack files. Minimum and recommended system requirements highlight the need for at least a Windows 10 OS, an Intel Core i5 processor, and 6 GB RAM for basic operation, or an Intel Core i7 processor and 8 GB RAM for optimal performance. Players should also manage firewall settings to prevent online access during gameplay.