The Last Case of Benedict Fox is an action-adventure RPG developed by Plot Twist and published by Rogue Games, Inc., released on April 27, 2023. Players embody Benedict Fox, a detective with a demonic companion, embarking on a journey through a decaying mansion filled with dark secrets and unsolved mysteries. The game focuses on investigating the gruesome murder of a couple and the disappearance of their child, set against a backdrop reminiscent of Lovecraftian horror and noir fiction.
In this richly crafted world, players utilize the bond with the demon to delve into the minds of the deceased to gather critical evidence and face chilling entities. The unique art style is heavily influenced by Tim Burton, immersing players in a surreal experience filled with complex puzzles, emotional narratives, and a jazz-inspired soundtrack. Combat requires a blend of tactical skills and creative use of weapons and abilities to overcome adversaries such as demons and cultists.
The game has a file size of 8.5 GB and is available for download through various links, although players are encouraged to purchase it to support the developers. Minimum and recommended system requirements are also provided for optimal gameplay experience.