The Pioneers: Surviving Desolation is an innovative space simulation game developed and published by Supercube, released on January 21, 2023. Set on the moon Io in the year 2084, players assume the role of a crew leader of Io-1, the first inhabited mission to this perilous moon. The game challenges players to survive amidst extreme conditions such as volatile temperatures, seismic activity, and magnetic storms. They must manage resources, maintain their space station, and explore the secrets of Io’s desolate environment.
The game is currently in early access, meaning it is still under development and may undergo significant changes, allowing players to experience new gameplay elements. It requires players to download and extract the game files, launch it via "The Pioneers.exe," and offers various download links for accessibility. Minimum system requirements include Windows 7 (64-bit), Intel i5 (4th gen) processor, 8 GB RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX 1050 graphics card. Recommended specifications enhance performance with Windows 10 (64-bit) and more advanced hardware. Players are encouraged to buy the game to support its developers and should consider turning off antivirus software during installation.