The Safe Place is an indie adventure game developed and published by Anate Studio, released on March 23, 2023. Set in a post-Soviet city during the early 90s economic crisis, the narrative revolves around Alexander, an engineer, and Christina, a troubled 12-year-old girl. The plot thickens when Alexander inadvertently causes a man’s death, with Christina as the sole witness. To evade consequences, he persuades her to stay silent, while she seeks his assistance to address her own life challenges. This arrangement quickly spirals into a complex web of moral dilemmas.
Part of a trilogy that includes Little Kite and Repentant, The Safe Place integrates classic point-and-click adventure puzzles with emotionally charged twists, prompting players to navigate through themes of childhood trauma and self-sacrifice.
With a file size of 861 MB, the game demands a minimum of 2 GB RAM, a 64-bit OS, and compatible graphics of GeForce 9500 GT or Radeon HD 6450. The developer encourages purchasing the game to support their work. For those seeking to download, multiple links are provided for various platforms.